
The expected content of the notebook:

- Detection of time series changes in daily questionnaire data about fatigue

Data - daily questionnaire data of James

# import sys
# import os
# import warnings

import pandas as pd
# from import json_normalize #package for flattening json in pandas df
# from ast import literal_eval
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
# import CRD_functions as crd

from jmspack.NLTSA import (ts_levels,
import miceforest as mf

import session_info

Display the session info of the notebook

Click to view session information
jmspack             0.0.3
matplotlib          3.3.4
miceforest          NA
numpy               1.19.2
pandas              1.2.3
seaborn             0.11.1
session_info        1.0.0
sklearn             0.24.1
Click to view modules imported as dependencies
PIL                 8.1.2
appnope             0.1.2
backcall            0.2.0
cffi                1.14.5
colorama            0.4.4
cycler              0.10.0
cython_runtime      NA
dateutil            2.8.1
decorator           4.4.2
ipykernel           5.3.4
ipython_genutils    0.2.0
ipywidgets          7.6.3
jedi                0.17.2
joblib              0.17.0
kiwisolver          1.3.1
mpl_toolkits        NA
parso               0.7.0
pexpect             4.8.0
pickleshare         0.7.5
pkg_resources       NA
prompt_toolkit      3.0.8
ptyprocess          0.7.0
pyexpat             NA
pygments            2.8.1
pyparsing           2.4.7
pytz                2021.1
scipy               1.5.3
six                 1.15.0
statsmodels         0.12.2
storemagic          NA
tornado             6.1
traitlets           5.0.5
wcwidth             0.2.5
zmq                 20.0.0
IPython             7.21.0
jupyter_client      6.1.7
jupyter_core        4.7.1
jupyterlab          2.2.6
notebook            6.2.0
Python 3.9.2 (default, Mar  3 2021, 11:58:52) [Clang 10.0.0 ]
Session information updated at 2021-07-18 16:14
df = (pd.read_csv("data/user_351_smart_panel.csv")
      .rename(columns={"Unnamed: 0": "date"})
      .assign(date=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x["date"])
      .drop("user_id", axis=1)
date_range = pd.date_range(df.reset_index().date.min(),
validated_physical validated_cognitive validated_motivational fatigue slider
2020-07-15 1.496997 NaN NaN 1.385599 NaN
2020-07-18 NaN 3.428084 NaN 3.334602 NaN
2020-07-19 NaN 0.664916 NaN 0.646784 NaN
2020-07-20 NaN NaN 1.532818 1.294205 NaN
2020-07-21 1.496997 NaN 0.766409 2.032702 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ...
2021-05-27 NaN NaN 2.938475 2.481045 NaN
2021-06-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN 63.0
2021-06-07 NaN 1.951801 NaN 1.898576 NaN
2021-06-08 NaN NaN 2.938475 2.481045 57.0
2021-06-13 NaN 1.951801 NaN 1.898576 NaN

204 rows × 5 columns

df = df.reindex(date_range)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 334 entries, 2020-07-15 to 2021-06-13
Freq: D
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column                  Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------                  --------------  -----
 0   validated_physical      86 non-null     float64
 1   validated_cognitive     113 non-null    float64
 2   validated_motivational  77 non-null     float64
 3   fatigue                 190 non-null    float64
 4   slider                  62 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(5)
memory usage: 15.7 KB
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 7))
_ = sns.heatmap(data=df
                .drop("slider", axis=1)
#                 .assign(date=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x["date"])
#                 .set_index("date")
current_feature = "fatigue"
# _ = df.set_index("date", inplace=True)

Impute the missing data

Looking at linear interpolation first

ts = df[current_feature].interpolate(method="polynomial", order=1)
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
_ = plt.plot(ts, label=current_feature)
_ = plt.scatter(ts.index, ts.values, c="red")
_ = plt.scatter(df[current_feature].index, df[current_feature].values, c="green")
_ = plt.xticks(rotation=90)
_ = plt.legend()

Deciding on the MICE algorithm in the end

# Create kernel.
kds = mf.KernelDataSet(

# Run the MICE algorithm for N amount of iterations
kds.mice(iterations = 10)

# Return the completed kernel data
completed_data = kds.complete_data()
ts = completed_data[current_feature]
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
_ = plt.plot(ts, label=current_feature)
_ = plt.scatter(ts.index, ts.values, c="red")
_ = plt.scatter(df[current_feature].index, df[current_feature].values, c="green")
_ = plt.xticks(rotation=90)
_ = plt.legend()
ts_levels_df, _, _ = ts_levels(ts=ts.values,
    figsize=(20, 5))
plot_df = ts_levels_df.drop("t_steps", axis=1).melt("ts_x")
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
_ = sns.lineplot(data=plot_df, x="ts_x", y="value", hue="variable")
def change_profile(x, window_size):
#     window_size = 5
#     x=ts
    window_range = np.arange(0, len(x)-window_size, window_size)

    cp_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for window_begin in window_range:
        window_mean = x.iloc[window_begin: window_begin + window_size].mean()
        window_sum = x.iloc[window_begin: window_begin + window_size].sum()

#         current_cp_df = x.iloc[window_begin: window_begin + window_size] - window_mean

        current_cp_df = (x.iloc[window_begin: window_begin + window_size] - window_sum) / window_size
        cp_df = pd.concat([cp_df, current_cp_df])

    return cp_df[0]
ts_cp = change_profile(ts, window_size=6)
ts_levels_df, _, _ = ts_levels(ts=ts_cp.values,
    figsize=(20, 5))
plot_df = ts_levels_df.drop("t_steps", axis=1).melt("ts_x")
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
_ = sns.lineplot(data=plot_df, x="ts_x", y="value", hue="variable")
_ = plt.ylabel("Fatigue Change Profile")
_ = plt.xlabel("Date")
plot_df = (ts_levels_df
 .drop(["t_steps"], axis=1)
 .rename(columns={"original_ts": "Fatigue_Change_Profile",
                  "ts_levels": "Fatigue_levels",
                  "ts_x": "Date"})
           .assign(Date=lambda x: x["Date"].astype(str))
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 3))
_ = sns.heatmap(plot_df.T)
fi_df = pd.DataFrame(fluctuation_intensity(pd.DataFrame(ts_cp), win=7, xmin=0, xmax=1, col_first=1, col_last=1)).rename(columns={0: current_feature})
di_df = pd.DataFrame(distribution_uniformity(pd.DataFrame(ts_cp), win=7, xmin=0, xmax=1, col_first=1, col_last=1)).rename(columns={0: current_feature})
cr_df = complexity_resonance(fi_df, di_df).rename(columns={0: current_feature})
_ = complexity_resonance_diagram(fi_df, cmap_n=12, plot_title='Fluctuation Intensity Diagram', labels_n=7, figsize=(20, 3))
_ = complexity_resonance_diagram(di_df, cmap_n=12, plot_title='Distribution Uniformity Diagram', labels_n=7, figsize=(20, 3))
_ = complexity_resonance_diagram(cr_df, cmap_n=12, plot_title='Complexity Resonance Diagram', labels_n=7, figsize=(20, 3))
cumulative_complexity_peaks_df, significant_peaks_df = cumulative_complexity_peaks(df=cr_df,
                                                                                    significant_level_item = 0.05,
    significant_level_time = 0.05)
_ = cumulative_complexity_peaks_plot(cumulative_complexity_peaks_df=cumulative_complexity_peaks_df,
                                    figsize = (20, 3),
    height_ratios = [1, 3],
    labels_n = 7)
significant_peaks_df[significant_peaks_df["Significant CCPs"]==1]
Significant CCPs
2020-07-21 1.0
2020-07-22 1.0
2020-07-23 1.0
2020-07-24 1.0
2020-08-14 1.0
2020-08-15 1.0
2020-09-23 1.0
2020-10-03 1.0
2020-10-15 1.0
2020-10-16 1.0
2020-12-04 1.0
2020-12-05 1.0
2020-12-06 1.0
2020-12-13 1.0
2020-12-14 1.0
2020-12-15 1.0
2020-12-16 1.0
2020-12-17 1.0
2021-01-29 1.0
2021-01-30 1.0
2021-01-31 1.0
2021-04-20 1.0
2021-04-21 1.0
2021-04-22 1.0
2021-05-30 1.0
2021-05-31 1.0

Running the CRDs on all the columns out of curiosity (not very reliable due to amount of missingness)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 334 entries, 2020-07-15 to 2021-06-13
Freq: D
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column                  Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------                  --------------  -----
 0   validated_physical      86 non-null     float64
 1   validated_cognitive     113 non-null    float64
 2   validated_motivational  77 non-null     float64
 3   fatigue                 190 non-null    float64
 4   slider                  62 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(5)
memory usage: 23.8 KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 334 entries, 2020-07-15 to 2021-06-13
Freq: D
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column                  Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------                  --------------  -----
 0   validated_physical      334 non-null    float64
 1   validated_cognitive     334 non-null    float64
 2   validated_motivational  334 non-null    float64
 3   fatigue                 334 non-null    float64
 4   slider                  334 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(5)
memory usage: 23.8 KB
# completed_data.describe()
scal_df = pd.DataFrame(MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(completed_data),
             columns = completed_data.columns,
            index = completed_data.index)
fi_df = pd.DataFrame(fluctuation_intensity(scal_df, win=7, xmin=0, xmax=1, col_first=1, col_last=completed_data.shape[1]))#.rename(columns={0: current_feature})
di_df = pd.DataFrame(distribution_uniformity(scal_df, win=7, xmin=0, xmax=1, col_first=1, col_last=completed_data.shape[1]))#.rename(columns={0: current_feature})
cr_df = complexity_resonance(fi_df, di_df)#.rename(columns={0: current_feature})
_ = complexity_resonance_diagram(fi_df, cmap_n=12, plot_title='Fluctuation Intensity Diagram', labels_n=7, figsize=(20, 3))
_ = complexity_resonance_diagram(di_df, cmap_n=12, plot_title='Distribution Uniformity Diagram', labels_n=7, figsize=(20, 3))
_ = complexity_resonance_diagram(cr_df, cmap_n=12, plot_title='Complexity Resonance Diagram', labels_n=7, figsize=(20, 3))
cumulative_complexity_peaks_df, significant_peaks_df = cumulative_complexity_peaks(df=cr_df,
                                                                                    significant_level_item = 0.05,
    significant_level_time = 0.05)
_ = cumulative_complexity_peaks_plot(cumulative_complexity_peaks_df=cumulative_complexity_peaks_df,
                                    figsize = (20, 3),
    height_ratios = [1, 3],
    labels_n = 7)
[ ]: